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Family Photo Album

Choosing a photo

One of the options you have is to add a ceramic photo or an etching portrait to the monument. Check out the guidelines for these options.


Ceramic Photos

Ceramic photos will last over 50 years if not damaged. The colors will not fade due to the ceramic being baked at high temperatures. The sizes range form 2 3/8ths" X 2 3/8th" to as large as 5" X 7"


We can etch a portrait or scenery or any custom design you may want if approved by the cemetery. Etchings are primarily done on black polished granite stone because the image shows up better. 


How to choose the best photo

There are a few things to consider when you look for photos to pick, so you can have the best quality image on the monument. Bring in more than one photo.

Questions to ask when looking at the photo you want to use.

Is there anything obstructing the face features? For example a shadow from a hat, a glare on the glasses or hair covering details of face.

•Is the lighting good? Is it creating shadows that might hide certain parts of the face, side of the face blending with the background or the ears.

•Is the photo clear and not blurry, can you see the eyes, the pupils the nose and edges of the mouth/lips? Keep in mind that we enlarge the photo which may cause some loss of detail.

•Is the photo cut off? Can you see the whole face and head? Remember we are not able to add details we don't see in the photo.


Please remember that stone etching is permanent and its very difficult to make any changes, if you want certain things altered, then have them fixed in Photoshop first and bring in the final result for us to use.


Watch for glare and reflection in glasses and sun glares that blind part of the portrait.
Quality is lost when enlarging a part of a photo, especially group photos where the object is too far away. Notice how its difficult to make out the details on the darker side of the face. 
Sometimes a person looks great in the group photo. But if you cut them out and enlarge the portrait to use in the etching, a lot of the details get lost and it becomes difficult to make out the facial features.
Dark lighting or shadow casting lighting make it difficult to see details. Here are some examples of shadow hiding the details on the portraits. 
We want to produce a great quality etching for your headstones. So starting with a great quality photos will yield the best results.

Please bring in multiple photos.  We will work with you to choose the one that you like and we know will work best for the etching on the stone. Sometimes when something you might think does not work, might be the perfect one

Try to bring in original photos so we can scan them here at our office. Taking picture of a photo looses its original quality. If the original was printed on something else, like funeral cards, it also looses the quality.

Please always bring the original or if it is a digital photo then email it to us at
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